For the average American, travel is a luxury. It's something on your bucket list, not a firm plan set in the near future. Additionally, many Americans report...
Summer is a time to slow down, spend time outdoors and have some fun! While this change of pace is an opportunity for families to get more rest and relaxation,...
It's common knowledge that scratching bug bites isn't the best idea, but the question is, how do you combat itchiness while getting the swelling and redness to...
Let's be honest: the years between the end of school and your thirties are a rollercoaster. Every person in their twenties needs a little help sometimes, and...
If you like to keep up with the newest films and movie theater updates, then you've probably heard a great deal about something called " Movie Pass ." It's a...
Tubing down the river during the blazing heat of summer is essentially a right of passage here in Texas, especially for young adults. People will travel for...
Riley Heruska – BubbleLife Staff
Jun 27 2018
June is almost over, and this month, we saw dozens of popular books hit the shelves. We've narrowed down ten of the most well-reviewed books that came out over...
Maybe you live in an area that doesn't allow firework celebrations, or perhaps you simply don't like the hassle of dealing with them. Either way, there are tons...
If you, like me, have been dealing with poor vision for most of your life, you know just how expensive taking care of your eyes can be. Annual eye doctor exams,...
It's the weekend! That means it's time to snuggle up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and the remote in hand. If you're in need of some fresh films to spice...