Mar 31


10:00am to 8:00pm Recurring Event

Texas Pinners Conference and Expo

WHO: –? Texas Pinners Conference - Pinterest-inspired conference and expo featuring 200 top business contributors. WHAT: Pinners Conference is excited to...

5:00pm to 6:00pm Recurring Event

Mixology Mondays at The Parlor

Mixology Mondays classes are hosted weekly at The Parlor , inside Sheraton Dallas , from 5-6pm. The cocktail featured varies weekly and reservations are...

8:00pm to 3:00pm Recurring Event

OOPS! All Funerals

OOPS! All Funerals Presented by The Folding Chairs Comedy Troupe We're back and ready to make you laugh spooky-season style! Join us for sketch comedy...
Apr 1


All Day Recurring Event

Southfork Trade Days! Outdoor market

Southfork Ranch, made famous by the show, DALLAS, in the 80's is hosting a monthly outdoor Trade Days market . You find all kinds of one-of-a-kind items, such...
Apr 3


12:00pm to 1:00pm Recurring Event

Call for Artists

We are always searching for new artists to join our Giddens Gallery family. Email to inquire.

8:00pm to 11:00pm Recurring Event

Trivia Thursdays at Sheraton Dallas Hotel

Trivia Thursdays are held every Thursday in Draft Sports Bar & Lounge in Sheraton Dallas Hotel at 8pm hosted by the Dallas Trivia Guy. Parking validation...
Apr 5


10:00am to 2:00pm

Native Plants and the Bugs that Love Them: Native

Join us April 5th for seminars centered around native Texas plants and the types of bugs that love them. You'll learn more about how to garden with native...

10:00am to 11:00am Recurring Event

Saturday Morning Mindful Meditation

We live in crazy times! Are U missing out on Me time? Are U losing Focus in your daily Life? Are U lacking Mindful Pauses? Come join us! About this event:...

10:00am to 11:00am Recurring Event

Saturday Morning Mindful Meditation.

We live in transitional times; wouldn't you agree? Are U missing out on Me time? Are U losing Focus in your daily Life? Are U lacking Mindful Pauses? Come...
Apr 11


8:00pm to 2:00pm

RUN FOR YOUR WIFE @ Richardson Theatre Centre

RUN FOR YOUR WIFE by Ray Cooney Directed by Janette Oswald and Rachael Lindley PERFORMANCE DATES: April 11 - May 4 (NO SHOW EASTER SUNDAY 4/20) Fridays...
Timezone: CST