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Be a library superhero!

Superheroes make a difference.  On September 14, North Texas Giving Day (NTGD), Frisco Public Library asks you to use your superpowers to impact your local library, and we’re hoping you’ll dress the part!

Come visit us during NTGD wearing your favorite superhero garb! From a cap to a full costume, we want to recognize you and celebrate the difference you make. Every donation matters and empowers us to serve up enriching experiences that range from early literacy story times to job skills classes and so much more.

“Frisco is filled with superheroes and it’s their support that enables us to deliver innovative and enriching experiences at the Library every day,” says Shelley Holley, Library Director.  “I look forward to seeing all ages dressed up in their superhero finest on September 14. Who knows?  I might just have to find a cape of my own and join in the fun!”

Giving is simple. Just visit anytime between 6 am and midnight during September 14 to donate.

Join in the fun and follow us on social media to track our progress and watch as donations add up. Also, keep an eye out as we post images of the heroes we find patrolling the Library during that day.

No matter your favorite superhero squad, you know that team effort get the best results. Thank you for donating, and for being a real-life hero.