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With the school year in full swing, residents and team members from Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco visited Polly Tadlock Elementary School to meet with the first-graders and congratulate them on a successful start of the year. They brought with them a small gift of appreciation to reward the students for their dedication to school and education. The seniors enjoyed sitting down with the first-graders in the school cafeteria and listening to the children’s impressions of their first few weeks of school. In addition, the residents shared stories from their school days as well.

Intergenerational activities provide many benefits to the lives of seniors, including improving their physical and mental health. The children also value the connection with the older generation and truly benefit from the relationships with the seniors. This is yet another example of the growing partnership between Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco and Polly Tadlock Elementary school.

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There is no doubt the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, were the deadliest and most audacious terror attacks in American history. Although a lot has changed since that horrific day, one thing will always remain the same – the importance of remembering those we lost, including the first responders who sacrificed their lives to save others. There are many ways people around the country honor these brave men and women, and Prosper Fire Department is doing something truly unique to pay homage to those whose lives were lost. They own the only mobile 9/11 memorial trailer in the DFW area. The trailer has been around since 2012 and contains a 7,000-pound piece of the World Trade Center collected on 9/11, photos of fallen firefighters, an American flag, and two televisions that play deeply moving video honoring the victims. Recently, Prosper Fire Department brought this memorial to Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco for residents and members of area senior centers to tour. In addition, Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco is raising funds to support the mobile memorial and help Prosper Fire Department bring it to many more places in the future.

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When Charles David Myers was a senior in high school in Indiana, he applied to several colleges, and although he was accepted to most of them, he didn’t get the scholarship he was hoping to receive. Myers ended up moving to Ohio to attend Central State University, a historically black university, where he was promised a job on the campus that would help him finance his degree. While at school, he witnessed firsthand how his friends, fellow students and even professors were treated because of their race. When the Freedom Rides started in 1961, Myers knew it was time for him to make a statement and do his part in the fight for equal rights. During his involvement in the civil rights movement, he met Martin Luther King Jr. and Ralph Abernathy on several occasions and spent a month in jail for standing up for his beliefs. Myers, now a resident of Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco, says attending Central State University was one of his best life decisions.


“Seeing my friends and teachers getting judged and being told where they can and cannot go based on the color of their skin always made me feel really bad, and when the Freedom Rides started, I thought this will be a great chance for me to make a statement,” said Myers. “In 1961, me and a few other students from my college flew from Dayton, Ohio to Alabama and met up with 16 students from Tennessee State University to ride a bus to Jackson, Mississippi. We went to a bus station waiting room designated for white people only and were asked to leave immediately. Because we didn’t leave, I ended up in jail for about 30 days.”


Freedom Riders were groups of white and African-American activists who participated in bus rides through the segregated South in 1961. Myers’ decision to join the Freedom Riders and participate in other protests was highly influenced by witnessing the current events happening around the country. Today, he considers this to be one of the best choices he made in his life along with marrying his wife, who he met during his time at Central State University. His wife, who participated in a lot of protests herself, was arrested about a week after he was on June 9, 1961, and wasn’t released until Christmas Day. They got married the following April and were married for 56 years. They spent a significant portion of their life fighting for equal rights. After they had children, they helped with school desegregation in three different cities. Myers, 79, has three children and three grandchildren. His family is proud of him and his wife for their involvement in the civil rights movement.


“David’s story is truly inspiring, and we love listening to him share his experiences as one of the Freedom Riders,” said Rick Lee, director of operations at Mustang Creek Estates. “Each of our residents has a unique story and background, and we are honored to learn more about them every day.”

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Every year on Father’s Day, families get together to celebrate the important role fathers play in children’s lives. For William Ebert, a resident of Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco, his four daughters are his everything. Ebert, 66, is a retired minister who devoted his life to two families: his church and his actual family. He says balancing time between his profession and time spent home was hard, and although he did his best to be there for his daughters, he regrets not spending even more time with them. Ebert says his favorite part about being a father of four daughters is the weddings because he enjoys the popular father-daughter dance. Today, he wants to share an important message with younger fathers.


“Don’t forget to tell your children and grandchildren how pleased you are with them and how much you love them,” said Ebert. “People tend to take the time they have for granted, and before we know it, our children are grown. That’s why I always tell younger people not to get so hung up with work. There are so many other important parts of our life we need to pay attention to, especially our children.”


Ebert, originally from Houston, has four children and 12 grandchildren. He is proud of the strong relationship he has with all of his daughters. If there is one thing he learned from his father, Ebert says it would be inner strength. He has enjoyed watching his children – and his grandchildren – succeed and prosper, and he believes there is nothing more important than being there for his daughters during their ups and downs, even if it’s in the background.


“Every time our family gets together it’s always such a wonderful time,” said Ebert. “I remember when the girls were little, they always wanted to wrestle with me. We have so many beautiful memories. I am proud of the people they’ve become, and I am happy we still remain very close.”


“One of my favorite things about William is watching him walk around the community to make sure his fellow residents are doing well,” said Sharla Woolley, activity director at Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco. “He leads our bible studies and church services at the community, and we are truly thankful for everything he does. It is heartwarming to watch William when his daughters come to visit. Although they all have families of their own, they still try and spend time with their father as often as possible.”


Mustang Creek Estates – whose mission is to provide seniors with high-quality residential-style assisted living and memory care at an affordable price – has additional locations in Allen, Burleson, Sachse and Keller.

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Having a hobby can have endless benefits, especially for seniors. Hobbies can help improve mood, socialization, memory and more, and Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco is excited to organize activities that recognize residents’ unique hobbies and interests. This initiative not only gives the seniors a sense of purpose, it also reminds them it is never too late to dust off an old skill or even learn a new one. In addition, it is another way to bring seniors together and increase socialization. One of the activities the residents will have a chance to participate in is an upcoming woodworking activity. This hobby is especially important to James Herink, an 84-year-old Army veteran who was diagnosed with dementia two years ago. Some of Herink’s wooden creations include a cross and altar for a local church, rocking horses for children, birdhouses, coasters and wall clocks. Dementia may have taken a lot of his memories, including those of his wife, but it hasn’t taken away his enthusiasm for crafts, especially woodwork.

“When my siblings and I were growing up, my dad was known as the ‘handyman’ in our community, and people from the area would turn to him for help and repairs with all kinds of wooden art, furniture, and more.” said Diane van Holsbeke, Herink’s daughter. “It is comforting to know that he still has memories of a hobby that has brought him so much joy over the years. He has always been such a wonderful and friendly person, and we are thrilled he will have the opportunity to socialize with other residents who share this interest.”

Herink inherited his artistic talent from his father, who enjoyed crafts as well. After spending his childhood learning from his father, he later served in the Army during the Korean War, taking his hobby with him. Afterward, he worked for an air conditioning and heating company in Iowa before moving to Texas when he was transferred in 1977. Herink has three children and nine grandchildren and was married for 52 years. Of his three children, one of his daughters inherited his artistic talent and penchant for woodcrafts.  

“After I saw my dad could no longer do what he loved, I began to make wooden crafts for him to enjoy,” said Carolann Johnson, Herink’s daughter. “Since he was diagnosed with dementia a couple years ago, it hasn’t been easy on us. He is having trouble remembering our family members and it is heartbreaking to watch this illness take over our dad.”

Several recent studies emphasize that creative activities have a positive impact on the lives of older adults. One of the activities proven to help keep seniors’ minds busy, prevent depression and spark feelings of joy is participation in the arts.

“It is heartwarming to see James’ eyes light up when he starts working on a project,” said Beth Babcock, executive director at Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco. “Our team works hard to come up with activities that are not only fun but are also engaging and beneficial to our residents. We are excited to continue to look for ways to highlight their hobbies and interests.”

Mustang Creek Estates – whose mission is to provide seniors with high-quality residential-style assisted living and memory care at an affordable price – has additional locations in Allen, Burleson and Keller. Recently, Mustang Creek Estates opened its newest senior living community in Sachse.

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Having a hobby can have endless benefits, especially for seniors. Hobbies can help improve mood, socialization, memory and more, and Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco is excited to organize activities that recognize residents’ unique hobbies and interests. This initiative not only gives the seniors a sense of purpose, it also reminds them it is never too late to dust off an old skill or even learn a new one. In addition, it is another way to bring seniors together and increase socialization. One of the activities the residents will have a chance to participate in is an upcoming woodworking activity. This hobby is especially important to James Herink, an 84-year-old Army veteran who was diagnosed with dementia two years ago. Some of Herink’s wooden creations include a cross and altar for a local church, rocking horses for children, birdhouses, coasters and wall clocks. Dementia may have taken a lot of his memories, including those of his wife, but it hasn’t taken away his enthusiasm for crafts, especially woodwork.

“When my siblings and I were growing up, my dad was known as the ‘handyman’ in our community, and people from the area would turn to him for help and repairs with all kinds of wooden art, furniture, and more.” said Diane van Holsbeke, Herink’s daughter. “It is comforting to know that he still has memories of a hobby that has brought him so much joy over the years. He has always been such a wonderful and friendly person, and we are thrilled he will have the opportunity to socialize with other residents who share this interest.”

Herink inherited his artistic talent from his father, who enjoyed crafts as well. After spending his childhood learning from his father, he later served in the Army during the Korean War, taking his hobby with him. Afterward, he worked for an air conditioning and heating company in Iowa before moving to Texas when he was transferred in 1977. Herink has three children and nine grandchildren and was married for 52 years. Of his three children, one of his daughters inherited his artistic talent and penchant for woodcrafts.  

“After I saw my dad could no longer do what he loved, I began to make wooden crafts for him to enjoy,” said Carolann Johnson, Herink’s daughter. “Since he was diagnosed with dementia a couple years ago, it hasn’t been easy on us. He is having trouble remembering our family members and it is heartbreaking to watch this illness take over our dad.”

Several recent studies emphasize that creative activities have a positive impact on the lives of older adults. One of the activities proven to help keep seniors’ minds busy, prevent depression and spark feelings of joy is participation in the arts.

“It is heartwarming to see James’ eyes light up when he starts working on a project,” said Beth Babcock, executive director at Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco. “Our team works hard to come up with activities that are not only fun but are also engaging and beneficial to our residents. We are excited to continue to look for ways to highlight their hobbies and interests.”

Mustang Creek Estates – whose mission is to provide seniors with high-quality residential-style assisted living and memory care at an affordable price – has additional locations in Allen, Burleson and Keller. Recently, Mustang Creek Estates opened its newest senior living community in Sachse.

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For many families, pets provide unconditional love, and this is especially true for seniors. Pet owners experience joy and a sense of companionship. However, seniors on fixed incomes can sometimes find it hard to afford buying food for themselves and their pets. As a result, many seniors will skip their own lunches or dinners so their pets have something to eat. To help seniors in this position, Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco is excited to organize a donation drive that will support the Meals on Wheels Collin County Paws Program. The program provides support to home-bound seniors by delivering meals for them and their pets. The senior living community is asking the public to drop off any size canned or dry cat food, cat litter and cat treats, as well as any size canned or dry dog food, dog treats, pet toys and pet store/supply gift cards. The assisted living and memory care community encourages people who live in Frisco and the surrounding areas to drop off donations between November 26 and December 20 at Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco (1200 W Main Street in Frisco) inside House C and F, Monday through Sunday between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

“We are thrilled to organize this donation drive that will help ensure local seniors don’t have to share their food with their furry friends,” said Beth Babcock, executive director at Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco. “We hope the public joins our efforts by helping us collect the necessary items.”

With the holidays approaching, many people are searching for ways to give back to the local community, and Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco is proud to offer a helping hand to an organization dedicated to assisting seniors. The team and residents always looks for ways to help others, whether it’s a school supply drive for local teachers, writing appreciation letters to soldiers overseas or handmaking blankets for premature babies in a local hospital.

“We believe in doing our part to help our neighbors and the greater community around us,” said Babcock. “Many of our residents grew up with animals and enjoy their companionship. When we told them about this donation drive, they were excited to become part of the effort. We hope the local public will join us because every donation goes a long way. “

Mustang Creek Estates – whose mission is to provide seniors with high-quality residential-style assisted living and memory care at an affordable price – has additional locations in Allen, Burleson and Keller. Recently, Mustang Creek Estates opened its newest senior living community in Sachse.


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Veterans Day is a time to honor the brave men and women who risked their lives serving our country. Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco recognizes Veterans Day every year with different activities for all of the residents, including veterans and those whose loved ones served. This year, the seniors handwrote letters to be mailed to soldiers overseas along with patriotic pictures colored by the seniors. The handwritten letters contain personal messages of gratitude and encouragement. Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco realizes the importance of Veterans Day and hopes these cards put smiles on the faces of the men and women who currently serve in the United States Armed Forces. This initiative is especially meaningful to Douglas Wilson, a resident of Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco, who served in the Navy for more than 10 years. In honor of Veterans Day, Wilson, 77, reflects on the reasons he joined, his service experience and the importance of paying tribute to all veterans.

“Joining the Navy in the 1960s was one of the best decisions I made in my life,” said Wilson. “During the first few weeks in service, I questioned whether I made the right decision because it was extremely challenging, both physically and mentally. But when I look back, I am grateful I continued to work hard and improve myself, because the Navy literally turned my life around in the best way possible.”

Before Wilson joined the Navy, he was on the wrong path in his life and he believes he would’ve ended up in trouble with the law. That’s when he decided to join the military. During his service, Wilson was a computer programmer, although he had never worked on a computer prior to joining the Navy. Thanks to his training and the experience he gained during his service, he eventually began a successful career as a networking system engineer. Wilson was stationed in San Diego and eventually in Japan, where he got married to his wife. He and his wife had three children and they also raised one of their three grandchildren. Wilson is proud of his time in the Navy, and he encourages young people to join the armed forces with an objective in mind.

“If you join the military, go there with something you want to accomplish for yourself and for the country,” said Wilson. “The first few weeks or even months are very challenging, you have to get up early in the morning, exercise for long hours, etc. That’s the time you might feel discouraged, but if you go there with a goal, it will help you to get over the hardest times. It is important to celebrate Veterans Day because it can help young people get a feel for serving and helping others. I look forward to writing letters for the soldiers overseas because everyone needs to read a message of encouragement, especially our soldiers who are deployed and away from their families.”

“Every year our team brainstorms different ways to honor the veterans and those who serve, and this year we wrote messages of gratitude and encouragement to the brave men and women overseas,” said Beth Babcock, executive director at Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco. “We enjoyed the stories Douglas and other veteran residents shared with us, and we are thankful for their service.”

Mustang Creek Estates – whose mission is to provide seniors with high-quality residential-style assisted living and memory care at an affordable price – has additional locations in Allen, Burleson and Keller. Recently, Mustang Creek Estates opened its newest senior living community in Sachse.

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Veterans Day is a time to honor the brave men and women who risked their lives serving our country. Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco recognizes Veterans Day every year with different activities for all of the residents, including veterans and those whose loved ones served. This year, the seniors will be handwriting letters to be mailed to soldiers overseas along with patriotic pictures colored by the seniors. The handwritten letters will contain personal messages of gratitude and encouragement. Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco realizes the importance of Veterans Day and hopes these cards put smiles on the faces of the men and women who currently serve in the United States Armed Forces. This initiative is especially meaningful to Douglas Wilson, a resident of Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco, who served in the Navy for more than 10 years. In honor of Veterans Day, Wilson, 77, reflects on the reasons he joined, his service experience and the importance of paying tribute to all veterans.

“Joining the Navy in the 1960s was one of the best decisions I made in my life,” said Wilson. “During the first few weeks in service, I questioned whether I made the right decision because it was extremely challenging, both physically and mentally. But when I look back, I am grateful I continued to work hard and improve myself, because the Navy literally turned my life around in the best way possible.”

Before Wilson joined the Navy, he was on the wrong path in his life and he believes he would’ve ended up in trouble with the law. That’s when he decided to join the military. During his service, Wilson was a computer programmer, although he had never worked on a computer prior to joining the Navy. Thanks to his training and the experience he gained during his service, he eventually began a successful career as a networking system engineer. Wilson was stationed in San Diego and eventually in Japan, where he got married to his wife. He and his wife had three children and they also raised one of their three grandchildren. Wilson is proud of his time in the Navy, and he encourages young people to join the armed forces with an objective in mind.

“If you join the military, go there with something you want to accomplish for yourself and for the country,” said Wilson. “The first few weeks or even months are very challenging, you have to get up early in the morning, exercise for long hours, etc. That’s the time you might feel discouraged, but if you go there with a goal, it will help you to get over the hardest times. It is important to celebrate Veterans Day because it can help young people get a feel for serving and helping others. I look forward to writing letters for the soldiers overseas because everyone needs to read a message of encouragement, especially our soldiers who are deployed and away from their families.”

“Every year our team brainstorms different ways to honor the veterans and those who serve, and this year we are excited to write messages of gratitude and encouragement to the brave men and women overseas,” said Beth Babcock, executive director at Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco. “We look forward to the stories Douglas and other veteran residents will share with us, and we are thankful for their service.”

Mustang Creek Estates – whose mission is to provide seniors with high-quality residential-style assisted living and memory care at an affordable price – has additional locations in Allen, Burleson and Keller. Recently, Mustang Creek Estates opened its newest senior living community in Sachse.

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From classical music to rap and hip-hop, piano has no limits. Whether someone plays in their spare time or teaches piano for living, many people agree it is one of the most popular musical instruments. September is National Piano Month, and Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco residents and team members were excited for a special event featuring a 16-year-old pianist performing with lifelong pianist Bennie Potter, 92, resident of Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco. During a time when electronic devices compete for children’s attention, playing an instrument is becoming a lost art, but not for Zackary Wetzel. A student at Kingdom Country Academy in Anna, Texas, Wetzel started playing piano at age 8. Today, he is happy he had the opportunity to perform with Potter, who started playing at the age of 3. The mini concert was held at the senior living community and it included musical performances, singing, dancing and a delicious piano shaped-cake made by the residents. Music has a tremendous impact on seniors and those living with Alzheimer’s. Recent studies show music can boost production of “happy hormones” such as dopamine, serotonin and more, resulting in elevated moods.

“When I was about to move to Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco, I was worried my playing days would end. I was so happy to find the piano here so that I can continue doing what I love the most,” said Potter. “Playing the piano has always been part of my life. I spent over 40 years teaching, and I am grateful I still have the opportunity to perform for others here at the community and during church services as well. I enjoyed playing piano with Zackary during the event.”

Wetzel enjoys playing piano because of the feeling of accomplishment gained from learning something complicated. His favorite composer is Scott Joplin because of his upbeat, fast music. Potter, on the other hand, spent most of the time playing during church services. Her husband served in the military and she visited many countries, including Germany, Italy and Japan. Wherever she went, she found a place to play the piano. Potter has three children, one grandchild and one great-grandchild and both her mother and grandmother were pianists.

”We loved having Zackary visit our community, it was so nice to hear him play together with Bennie,” said Beth Babcock, executive director at Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco. “Both music and intergenerational activities have so many benefits for seniors and children. We are thankful we can provide Bennie with the opportunity to share her music with us, and we are so proud of her for continuing to play for our residents.”

Mustang Creek Estates – whose mission is to provide seniors with high-quality residential-style assisted living and memory care at an affordable price – has additional locations in Allen, Burleson and Keller. Recently, Mustang Creek Estates opened its newest senior living community in Sachse.