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As you investigate approaches to health and well-being, Monat stands to contribute to better, healthier hair (self-confidence and self-esteem win), replacing thin or bald spots with your own growing hair, combating alopecia and thyroid hair losses. improving eczema manifestations. Let's meet for coffee and talk hair.

Advances in health pertaining to hair and skin come regularly.  Are you still looking for products that improve your appearance while not delivering unwanted chemicals?  Many things can camoflage flaws from the outside but Monat improves hair from the molecular/cellular level for health inside and outside.  

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Is this you on a bad hair day? You don't have to wear a hat as camouflage when you use Monat. Take the hair quiz at to get product recommendations for your hair and lifestyle.

Looking for a few good customers and tribe mates to support their hair beauty and/or have an interesting side business. Who couldn't use better hair and more money? Call or message me... it can't hurt to get some information.