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Photo courtesy of FFS.

On Saturday, February 16, 46 area Boy Scouts and 40 adults helped to unload and process over 9,500 pounds of food that was collected as part of the Boy Scouts of America Scouting for Food program.

Donations of food and other pantry items from the community were collected by 323 Boy Scouts and 214 adults during February. Scouting for Food is the BSA's largest service project and over 10,000 scouts participate nationwide. Troops throughout Collin County left bags on neighbors' doorsteps with information about the drive, and gathered the food and delivered it to the FFS Food Pantry for distribution the following week.

In addition, 35 volunteers and six FFS staff were on hand on Saturday to process, weigh and stock the shelves with all the food that was brought in.

Thank you to each Boy Scout member and troop leader who participated in Scouting for Food and for every neighbor who donated food! 

Story courtesy of Frisco Family Services