Welcome to the American Taekwondo Association (ATA). Our ATA family includes more than 250,000 men, women and children training in Songahm Taekwondo at more than 900 schools and clubs across the United States. The ATA was originally established in 1969 in Omaha, Nebraska. Today National and International operations are directed from our headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The ATA is the founding organization of other international affiliates that include the World Traditional Taekwondo Union (WTTU) and the Songahm Taekwondo Federation (STF). These branches include some 16 countries, offering instruction to more than 30,000 students.
We offer what we believe is the best martial art in the world. Taekwondo is an exciting and powerful martial art known for its dynamic kicking and hand techniques. Although these martial art techniques are centuries old, our programs are always evolving to keep pace with the rapidly changing world.
We realize that each student possesses different physical abilities. Size and strength vary with each individual. Once you have acquired a strong foundation in the basics, our program will enhance your physical capabilities and maximize your self-defense skills. You will understand exactly what it takes, mentally and physically, to defend yourself or your loved ones should the need ever arise.
At the ATA Black Belt Academy, we are not interested in just teaching self-defense, we are interested in the complete personal development of each student. Individual attention is a feature of each and every class, allowing all students to progress quickly and confidently toward their personal goals. Our instructors take their responsibility seriously as role models for younger students, teaching them the importance of strong character, leadership and good values.
The teaching curriculum at the ATA Black Belt Academy is based on two concepts: "positive mental attitude" and "high goal setting." We feel so positive about this program that we promise to give you and your family the most professional, well supervised and the highest quality classes available in any sport or art.
Since the first class was taught many years ago, the focus of our program has remained the same: to provide students the highest quality martial arts instruction available in a safe and positive learning environment that people of all ages can enjoy. Our instructors combine excellent student instructor ratios with state of the art training facilities. This has helped establish ATA schools and clubs as the leaders in the martial arts industry. Your instructor is a graduate of an instructor program that represents more than 30 years of research and development. He will be with you every step of the way to help you reach your individual goals (and maybe even reach some new goals you never before thought possible).
"I want to thank you for choosing the ATA and for making SONGAHM Taekwondo a part of your life. Remember: today not possible, tomorrow possible."
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