Oasis Accents
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Thank you for all of your love these past several weeks, including the posts, text messages and calls. I am truly blessed to take on a broader leadership role in the arts community, as Chair of Frisco Arts Foundation.

A couple of months ago, I was asked to be included in a Frisco Style feature highlighting leaders, but I had absolutely no idea I would be on the cover. Even when some magazines were delivered to Oasis Accents this week, a gentleman told my sales associate not to tell me. He said, “It’s a surprise”. I opened Oasis the next morning and I saw a stack of magazines on the desk faced down. I grabbed one and received the shock of my life. Oh, Frisco Style, you got me good!

Thank you Becky Adams Johnson, Chris Johnson and Lisa Sciortino for recognizing my role and impact in Frisco. I am truly honored and humbled to be selected for the article and the cover.

If you know anything about me, you know I will never be the loudest in the room, but when I have a passion and a vision, you will see my incredible drive to execute against that vision, with unbelievable courage and the highest level of excellence. This is a continuous pursuit, so I appreciate all of the support, advice and prayers from my family and friends, customers, artists, community and business leaders. Above all, I know without a doubt, God is responsible for where I am today. I heard this bible verse during service this morning and it put this past week into perspective for me.

“Where there’s no vision, the people perish…” - Proverbs 29:18. Thank you Frisco for being a place where I can realize my passion and vision. I’m beyond blessed and grateful!

Oasis Accents, a home-decor boutique specializing in small furnishings and beautiful accessories, is open in the Shops at Starwood (5285 Dallas Parkway, Frisco, TX, located on the southwest corner of Dallas Parkway and Lebanon Road). Products span the traditional, contemporary, modern and transitional design spectrum, with unique offerings to create an elegant and inviting oasis for your home. (214) 494-4544 - Contact Oasis at  
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