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Photo 1 - Kaytlin O'Neall volunteers at Mustang Cr

Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco continues to serve seniors and their families after completely opening a year ago, and it is looking for a special group of people to open their hearts to seniors. To enhance its purposeful, thriving environment, volunteers of all types and abilities are needed to share their time, life’s work, hobbies, or skills with the residents in various ways. Teens and adults can lead activities or join in the fun alongside residents to build relationships with people they wouldn’t normally meet in their daily lives. Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco is looking for volunteers to add to the one-of-a-kind, resident-centered senior living community, and share life with the residents through skills or hobbies they enjoy.

 Kaytlin O’Neall, 13, lives in Frisco and has been volunteering at the senior living community for about eight months. She visits every Thursday and helps the residents during crafts and parties. She lives near the senior living community and wanted to volunteer with seniors, so she visited Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco to observe and learn more, and she was hooked. O’Neall is homeschooled, so she is able to plan her classes around her volunteer time and visit during daytime hours.

 “Volunteering has helped me learn how to be there for others and made me a more outgoing person as I talked to the residents and got to know them,” said O’Neall. “It teaches me to be personable when I communicate, and shows me how to create a connection with someone from a different generation. I’ve made some great friends volunteering there, and I look forward to seeing them each week.”

 One of O’Neall’s favorite activities to participate in is helping with parties for the residents, like birthdays or holiday celebrations. She invites other Frisco residents to join her in giving back to their community and learning how they can also positively impact seniors’ lives.

 Volunteers of all ages can participate in activities, like playing board games, card games, memory games and puzzles; assisting with crafts and event prep for monthly or seasonal celebrations, as well as singing, dancing or playing an instrument.

 Adults can also lend a hand by sharing a skill or hobby they enjoy, like teaching a fitness class, crocheting, knitting, woodworking, painting, sharing travel experiences, bringing a pet to visit, accompanying residents on outings, coordinating a book club, assisting with special events, or one-on-one visits with residents. The community also looks for ways residents can give back to others during their activities, such as hosting a drive for a food pantry or hand-making items to donate to local charities.

 “It’s important to enhance the lives of each resident in our community, and we know that we would not have nearly the same impact without the help of volunteers and partnerships,” said Penny Tipton, activity director at Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco. “These individuals truly impact the daily lives of all residents and give them a chance to grow and learn. The experience will also positively impact the volunteers’ lives as they create lasting bonds with our community and the residents.”

 Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco is looking for dedicated volunteers who are willing to go the extra mile to brighten someone’s day, just as their staff does, and bring in new, challenging and fun activities. Anyone is welcome to share a skill or passion with the residents, no matter their age. If you are interested in learning more about how you can volunteer at Mustang Creek Estates of Frisco, please contact Penny Tipton at 214-679-1508 or  

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