Laura E. West, certified Lipsologist

It’s July and time to celebrate one of my favorite Leos, Mick Jagger! His birthday is July 26, but really anytime you hear this famous front man sing is a celebration!

“I tell you love, sister, it’s just a kiss away”

Now there is a man known for his lips.  And as you can see, his lip prints don’t disappoint either.

Kisses for a cause!

In 1979 Mick’s lip print was sold as a “lipograph” at an auction at Sotheby’s in London for 800 British pounds the equivalent of $1049 US dollars today.  Other celebrity lip prints were auctioned off as well with the proceeds going to the Save the Children Fund including those  of David Bowie, Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, Mae West, Kirk Douglas and Jack Nicholson to name just a few.  Mick’s prints fetched the highest price, of course.

You can see the full collection of 80 lip prints in the book “With Love From… A Collection of Celebrity Lip Prints.”   It’s out of print but you can still find a copy of this fascinating book on line through book collectors.

My teacher Jilly Eddy was very influenced by this book to start her own collection of lip prints.  She went on to collect thousands and write a book about the study she calls Lipsology.  She discovered one day that her brother had made his own lip prints beside Mick’s in her coffee table copy along with a little note others would follow suite adding their lip prints among the stars.

I think that his prints give justice to his lips.  The right side of the lips pull up just slightly in that usual Jagger grin.

What do Mick’s lips say about him?

 1.  The color intensity isn’t consistent in Mick’s print, and they have an uneven look of both dark and light in places of the print instead of a smooth consistent color.  This  “mottled effect”  reflects a stop and go “energizer bunny” type of energy.

2.  The little bump at the bottom of the bottom lip is intriguing and it’s considered a sign of someone who makes things look easy but is really working hard behind the scenes on what they do.  Generally people will think that this individual has all the luck and that things are just handed to them.  Not really the case.  They really shake their asses to get things done.

3.  There is not a lot of open space between the lips.  This would suggest that at the time Mick made his prints, he might have been getting advice, but he had already made up his mind on what he wanted to do.  One corner of the lips also looks open while the other is closed – sometimes a sign of a pack rat or collector.  I can’t verify that though.


Thank you, Mr. Jagger and to the lips that have entertained us for decades!  And remember….

“It’s alright letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back.” – Mick Jagger.

Everyone's lip prints tell a story.  Want to know what your lip prints say about you? 

Take the Kiss Decoder Quiz!


Laura E. West is a professional fortune-teller and certified Lipsologist in Dallas, Texas.  She engages and enlightens guests at private parties, corporate events, trade shows and more. She has read the lip prints of thousands of people and one dog named Squirrel.  Laura is known for her quirky sense of humor, calming energy and amazingly accurate intuitive entertainment.

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