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If you’re looking for a really good time, featuring really good performers, that’s got something really good for the whole family, and is associated with a really good cause, the 15th Annual Lone Star Storytelling Festival at George Purefoy Municipal Center on October 13 – 14 is a really good choice. Why?

 Live entertainment! A night out at a concert typically involves lots of planning, expense, and nuisance getting to and from the venue. This year, nationally renowned professional storytellers Beth Horner and Bil Lepp will perform along with the Lone Star Storytellers –– area students who rise to the top of a tough audition process and then undergo extensive coaching before performing for the community.

 Family fun! When’s the last time your family shared an evening out that everyone enjoyed and got you talking about it on the way home? The laughs, deep thoughts, and talent in Council Chambers on October 12-13 will do just that.

 Health benefits? Yes! Studies show that listening to stories activates your brain like little else can. Factor in the endorphins from laughter and you can feel great about going out for a treat after the show!

 Culture! Storytelling is an art. Feel better, smarter, and happier for having a fun night out!

‘Cause of the cause! Every ticket sold supports the Frisco Public Library Foundation which, in turn, helps the Library offer the events and resources guests enjoy every day.

 Bonus, it’s a big birthday. The Lone Star Storytelling Festival turns 15 this year, and everyone is invited to the fun!

 Concerts are suited to folks age 10 and up and are held in Council Chambers at George Purefoy Municipal Center at 6101 Frisco Square Blvd. on Friday evening and twice on Saturday. The full concert schedule is available at Tickets are $10 each and are available at the door.