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Ari Wilkins, Dallas Public Library

Calling all genealogy buffs! Looking to connect with your ancestors, build your personal genealogy, and start your written history? On Saturday, November 18, join the Frisco Public Library and the Heritage Association of Frisco at the Senior Center at Frisco Square for an all-day Genealogy Expo to learn from local and national experts and discover exciting resources for beginners and experts alike.

 Experienced genealogy researchers from local libraries and organizations such as the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the University of North Texas will help new researchers get started, answer questions, and provide insights to utilizing the many wonderful genealogy resources available.

 “The Genealogy Expo will be an excellent showcase for just some of the high-quality genealogy resources available in our region,” says Senior Librarian Tre Colvin. “With so many people from so many different groups planning to attend it will be a great opportunity for people to network with folks who may have already solved your greatest research challenge. Your next research break-through might be waiting for you at the Genealogy Expo.”

 Included in the day’s topics will be a discussion on how to use the Freedmen’s Bureau Records for genealogical research, led by Ari Wilkins, an experienced researcher with Black Genesis and a library associate with the genealogy department at Dallas Public Library. These records include information on thousands of former slaves and impoverished whites from the South and the District of Columbia following the Civil War.

 For a full schedule of lecturers and to register, please go to There is no cost to attend the Genealogy Expo but registration is required. The Expo is hosted by the Senior Center at Frisco Square, located at 6670 Moore Street.

 Learn more about NARA and Frisco Library.