Frisco BubbleLife -
Spring Wildflower Seed Now Available

The Collin County Soil & Water Conservation District is sponsoring a spring wildflower planting program during March, April and May, while supplies last.  One-pound bags of spring Texas native wildflower mix are available for $25 per pound and contain 16 different varieties, including Back-eyed Susan, Butterfly Milkweed, Gayfeather, Standing Cypress, Lemon Mint, Indian Blanket, Mexican Hat and Lemon Mint.  Native flowers require less water and maintenance than conventional landscaping flowers and plants and can better withstand our sometimes extreme Texas climate.  Wildflowers also add beauty to the landscape and provide food for wildlife as well as attracting pollinators.

Wildflower seed bags are available for purchase at the District office, 1404 N. McDonald Street, Suite 100, in McKinney, now thru May 15, or while supplies last.  Please call before you come to make sure the seed is in stock 972-542-0081 ext. 3.  The optimal time to plant these wildflower seeds would be before June 1, and seeding instructions are available with purchases.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019