
TeamConnor Childhood Cancer Foundation and the Texas Rangers are teaming up to kick off Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (September).  The Texas Rangers take on the Houston Astros on Friday, September 2, 2016 at 7:05 PM.  For every ticket sold, $3 will go towards fighting childhood cancer.

Prior to the game, a human gold ribbon will take center stage in the Rangers’ outfield to bring awareness that September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

There is a special opportunity for 300 people impacted by childhood cancer to sign up and be a part of the first-ever human gold ribbon on the Texas Rangers field prior to the game. Each child and adult will receive a FREE gold shirt and will be escorted onto the field where a giant human gold ribbon will be formed to kick off NATIONAL CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTH. Each person participating must purchase a ticket to the Texas Rangers game and will be required to arrive at the stadium by 6:00 pm. After the game, fans are invited to stay and enjoy a Texas music-themed fireworks show.

For more information about the evening and to be part of this extraordinary event, visit

Every day, 43 children will be diagnosed with cancer. The incidence of childhood cancer is on the increase with an overall increase of 24% over the last 40 years. Childhood cancer is not one disease – there are more than 12 major types of pediatric cancers and over 100 subtypes. Cancer is the number one cause of death by disease among children.

TeamConnor was founded in 2008 while Connor Cruse of Frisco was in the midst of his four-year battle with neuroblastoma cancer.  Connor lost his battle on July 10, 2009, but TeamConnor remains committed to fight for children who are battling cancer.

In addition to Childhood Cancer Awareness Night at Globe Park, TeamConnor hosts several other events throughout the year to raise funds and awareness for childhood cancer research, including, 5th Annual National Childhood Cancer Awareness Concert at Watters Creek September 3rd; Color Me Green 5 & 10K October 1st and 6th Annual Northwestern Mutual Clay Shoot on December 8th.  In addition, TeamConnor’s Coins for Kids with Cancer® program raises funds in schools, churches, offices and organizations across the country to help fund childhood cancer research. Details on those events can be found at

Every year, more than 12,000 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer in the United States. Childhood cancer is the number one disease killer of children, yet the budget of the National Cancer Institute allocates less than four percent of its funds to pediatric cancer research. TeamConnor Childhood Cancer Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness and funding research and treatment programs to find a cure for all childhood cancers.  
For more information on how to impact the lives of those affected by childhood cancer please visit or find us at