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Frisco Area Republican Women

Press release written by Lynn Bergman of Frisco PR Girl Public Relations

Frisco, Texas, March 27, 2012 - Frisco residents are invited to attend a "Political Speed Dating Event", organized by the Frisco Area Republican Women on Tuesday April 10, 2012. The event, designed to facilitate discussion between constituents and candidates, is being offered as a refreshing way for residents to ask face-to-face questions directly to candidates instead of sifting through a typical debate or speech followed by a Q&A session.

Wayne Richard, a Republican political strategist and radio talk show host will serve as the energetic emcee during the event that will consist of timed sessions in which candidates rotate tables to meet with groups of citizens. 

The entire community is encouraged to participate; everyone from retirees, working and non-working residents to students.  "This event is perfect for stay home parents to have the opportunity to meet with candidates, while their children are in school, especially if they can't attend an evening or weekend political event because of family obligations," said Debby Clark, Vice President/Programs for FARW, "they will be able to enjoy lunch and ask the city or the school board candidates any question they want."
Frisco City Council and Frisco ISD Candidates:
Place 1 City Council:             Bob Allen, Brent Billhartz
Place 3 City Council:             Dan Bollner, Will Sowell
Place 6 FISD:                       Allen Biehl, Ronald Pigman, Chris Todd
Place 7 FISD:                       John Hoxie
*note: Place 1 FISD Candidate, Brenda Polk, will be on the election ballot but declined participation
People who have not previously registered to vote or have moved from another county will need to register by April 12, 2012 in order to vote in the upcoming local elections.  Voter registrars representing Collin and Denton Counties will be on hand at the Political Speed Dating Event to register voters.
To be eligible to register in Texas, you must:
  • be a U.S. citizen
  • be a resident of the county
  • be 18 years old (you may register at 17 years and 10 months)
  • not a convicted felon (unless a person's sentence is completed, including any probation or parole)
  • not declared mentally incapacitated by a court of law
The Political Speed Dating Event will take place on Tuesday, April 10, 2012, from 10:45 - 1:30PM, at NTEC Conference Center, 6170 Research Road, Frisco, Texas.  The cost is $20 for non-FARW members or $15 for members and includes a catered lunch, provided by Cater10.  You can register and pay online through the Frisco Area Women Republicans (FARW) website at or you can RSVP to and pay cash or check at the event.