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By Sarah Griffith- BubbleLife Neighborhood Editor

For most of us, the holidays are our favorite time of the year.  This doesn’t mean the month of December comes stress-free though.  If you need a few ideas to finish up your holiday shopping, check out the gift guide BubbleLife's Sarah Griffith put together to help readers get a sense of what should be on your shopping list during the next couple of weeks. 


Most of us think that men will be fairly easy to shop for, but this isn’t always the case.  For the guy who has everything, look at the ideas below: 


Whether it’s your best friend, your mom or a coworker, she’ll appreciate you for putting the following gifts under her tree:

Quirky Teens

Teens can often be difficult to shop for because, just like their emotions, their interests can change at the drop of a hat.  These gifts should please any teen you’re buying for this year:


Most kids are fairly easy to shop for, but if you really want to wow them this year, think about purchasing one of these gifts and they’ll be the coolest kid on the block:

The holidays are approaching quickly, so finish up your shopping and have a worry-free, relaxing holiday break! 

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